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Bunkuany Tayrona an alternative to the Ciudad Perdida trekking

We present a recent discovery that provides a window into this ancient civilization: the archaeological ruins of Bunkuany Tayrona, located in the majestic Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The ancestral Tayrona culture has left numerous remnants that shed light on its mystery.

Bunkuany Tayrona: An Alternative to the Lost City Trek

This enclave serves as a captivating alternative to the renowned journey to the Lost City. If you’re seeking a different option than the popular trek to the Lost City, whether due to time constraints or a preference for comfort, you’re in the right place; we have all the information you need.

Bunkuany Tayrona: Where the stones tell their story

The term “Bunkuany,” coined by the Koguis, one of the indigenous cultures inhabiting the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia, is intrinsically linked to the stones used in the construction of their terraces and the astonishing rock carvings that have been unearthed. These ancient stones appear to tell their own story to those who venture into this unique place, hence its name, Bunkuany, the “corner of speaking stones.”


The majestic Tayrona terraces of Bunkuany: “The Second Lost City”

The inevitable comparison to the Lost City emerged when these terraces came to light, earning the nickname “The Second Lost City” by the media. Although the Bunkuany archaeological complex is more compact than that of the Lost City, it boasts substantial terraces. Similar to the Lost City or Teyuna, “The Second Lost City” is in proximity to serene streams and rivers, offering the opportunity to cool off with a swim during the journey through Bunkuany Tayrona.

Why is Bunkuany Tayrona the choice before the tour to Ciudad Perdida?

Bunkuany se revela como una opción inmejorable si tu tiempo es limitado. Las terrazas de Bunkuany Tayrona se hallan a una distancia que facilita una excursión de un solo día, permitiéndote reservar uno o dos días adicionales para explorar los petroglifos, conocidos como las “Piedras de Donama”, y sumergirte en un intercambio cultural con la comunidad indígena Kogui. Asimismo, puedes culminar tu periplo bajo el sol y junto a la playa en Cabo San Juan del Guía, dentro del Parque Tayrona, todo esto en un lapso de tan solo 3 días y 2 noches.

Bunkuany Tayrona se consolida como una elección acertada si consideras que el trekking hacía Ciudad Perdida es una empresa físicamente exigente. Si bien el viaje a Bunkuany demanda menos tiempo, no debes subestimar la caminata, ya que, aunque más corta, sigue siendo desafiante, pero los frutos son invaluables.

How to reach Bunkuany Tayrona

It’s important to highlight that projects related to this destination actively seek the involvement of local communities. Therefore, it’s not uncommon to find locals from the Calabazo area, where the hike begins, playing a crucial role in promoting this route.

The route to Bunkuany in one day

To reach Bunkuany, you can start your journey from Calabazo towards the mountains of the Sierra Nevada. Bunkuany is located approximately 7 kilometers from Calabazo, making a one-day visit possible.

The option to enjoy Bunkuany in 2 days

Another option is to start from the Bonda region, making a stop at the Piedras de Donama, rocks that bear the inscriptions of ancient inhabitants of the area, offering an initial insight into the Tayrona culture. The vehicle can then drop travelers off further along, where the hike to Bunkuany begins. The night is spent in the vicinity of the archaeological ruins, and the next day, the journey continues to Calabazo, from where you can return to Santa Marta.

In either of these options, it is highly recommended to have a guide who accompanies you on the journey, coordinates the necessary services, and shares the historical richness of these places with you.

Additional aspects about Bunkuany

In the vicinity of this ancient Tayrona settlement, you will find a varied selection of accommodation options, making it easy to choose according to your preferences. It is crucial to keep in mind that this destination is still in the process of tourism development, which provides a unique opportunity for those seeking the exploration of new and less crowded places.

Bunkuany Tayrona an alternative to the Lost City trek In summary, Bunkuany Tayrona represents a unique experience for explorers, a singular blend of nature, culture, and adventure that will transport you to an ancestral world.

Day Trip

Discover the secrets of the mysteries of Bunkuany Tayrona, a day trip in Tayrona Park

It is more than a walk, it is a historical immersion, nature and adventure, come and discover "The second Lost City".

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