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Lost City Closure September 2023

Lost City, also known as Teyuna.

It is a hidden treasure in the depths of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta In Colombia, its mystery and beauty make it one of the most fascinating destinations in South America.

Beyond its history and lush nature, there is an important ancestral tradition that takes place in this location, making the closure dates a crucial period.

This archaeological haven, sheltered by dense jungles and inhabited by indigenous communities, is closed to the public once a year, and that time is undoubtedly a special moment on the calendar. The reasons behind this closure are not merely logistical; they are deeply rooted in the relationship that indigenous communities have with the land they call home.

During the period from September 1 to 30

The indigenous communities undertake a spiritual and environmental cleansing of the territory during this time. This is a ritual that seeks not only the purification of the physical space but also spiritual renewal and a connection with Mother Earth. It is a time when nature itself seems to take a breath, allowing its human guardians to carry out this important work.

One of the most significant aspects of this period is that during these days, no one else can access the site. The rituals performed by indigenous communities are sacred and private and, as such, must be respected with reverence. Ciudad Perdida becomes an exclusive space for these ancestral practices, away from the gaze of tourists and visitors.

This annual closure is not only essential for the environmental well-being of the area but also for the preservation of an invaluable cultural tradition. The rituals performed during this time are a vital part of the identity of the indigenous communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. These rituals are a form of spiritual healing and an opportunity to connect with their roots and ancestral heritage.

Therefore, if you are thinking of visiting Ciudad Perdida, it is crucial to plan your trip well in advance, avoiding the dates from August 30th to September 30th. This will not only ensure that your experience is respectful and in harmony with the local communities but also allow you to more deeply understand and appreciate the cultural and spiritual richness of this unique place in the world. Ciudad Perdida is an encounter with history, nature, and spirituality that deserves to be approached with respect and admiration.


descubre los secretos de la misterios de Bunkuany Tayrona, un pasadia en el Parque Tayrona​

Es más que una caminata, es una inmersión histórica, la naturaleza y la aventura, ven y descubre "La segunda Ciudad Perdida".

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